(1) Stolidly they sat, the serried soldiers, clean-shaven, square-jawed, looking slightly bored and, in at least one case that I spotted, rhythmically chewing gum.(2) In truth, there was something deliciously comic, not to say ironic, in the sight of the multicoloured carnival being paraded in front of serried ranks of the black-clad international fashion clan.(3) Here vegetation tends towards dark and spiky lushness, though Darwin itself is trim, its greenery coiffed, its palm trees serried in wind-ruffled ranks around the shoreline.(4) The grey, flinty slopes covered in the serried ranks of vineyards, gave way to the high pastures, the Alpine meadows, which nourished the famed milch cattle of Switzerland.(5) After the mysterious disappearance of the world's most famous scientists, New York comes under attack from flying giant robots that land on Broadway and march in serried ranks through the city's narrow streets.(6) We may judge the effect from the serried assortment of military badges and other devices on Fovant Down in Wiltshire.(7) He reorganised the players in serried tiers in a vain attempt to let them hear one another.(8) The heart demands effort, effort to recover those distraught, terrified, agonizing, serried bundles of kin who we imagine to actually await impatiently for rescue.(9) Now, from the window of his home in Dennistoun he can see the serried tombs of the wealthy dead in the city's Necropolis.(10) As soon as motorists get used to counting two cameras before putting their foot down, it will be necessary to install three in a row, then four and so on until the whole county is covered by serried ranks of cameras.(11) It is not serried ranks of highly cultivated flowers - it is more naturalistic, with a bit of colour here and there.(12) Teenagers admit they have no interest in voting, while, outside the Republican and Democrat conventions, protesters face serried ranks of armed police.(13) Round two long tables were gathered two serried crowds of human beings, all save one having their faces and attention bent on the tables.(14) Archives are imagined as dusty places; serried rows of boxes, books or film canisters shrouded in a fine, grey-white cloak.(15) For no less than three miles this vast upland of hillocks and brows roll on, serried knolls which appear to stretch onwards into infinity.(16) He proposed an intervention in central Paris that would see serried ranks of multi-storey blocks dissected with super-highways, replacing the grand boulevards of Housmann.
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